Chapter 19 – Daha Nidanam

The 19th chapter of Madhava Nidana deals with Daha Nidana which deals with Diagnosis regarding the burning sensation in the body is. A burning sensation is a type of pain that’s distinct from dull, stabbing, or aching pain. A burning pain can be related to nerve problems.

त्वचं प्राप्तः स पानोष्मा पित्तरक्ताभिमूर्च्छितः |
दाहं प्रकुरुते घोरं पित्तवत्तत्र भेषजम् || १ ||

tvacaM prAptaH sa pAnoSmA pittaraktAbhimUrcchitaH |
dAhaM prakurute ghoraM pittavattatra bheSajam || 1 ||

The heat of the alcoholic drinks, associating with pitta and rakta, localizes in the skin and generates severe burning sensation. The treatment for this condition is identical to that of the cases of vitiated Pitta. 1

Raktaja Type of Daaha –

कृत्स्नदेहानुगं रक्तमुद्रिक्तं दहति ध्रुवम् |
स उष्यते तृष्यते च ताम्राभस्ताम्र लोचनः || २ ||
लोहगन्धाङ्ग – वदनो वह्निनेवावकीर्यते |

kRtsnadehAnugaM raktamudriktaM dahati dhruvam |
sa uSyate tRSyate ca tAmrAbhastAmra locanaH || 2 ||
lohagandhAGga – vadano vahninevAvakIryate |

The vitiated rakta pervading the whole body produces a severe burning sensation. The patient experiences heat and thirst, he develops coppery lustre of the skin and his eyes turn copper red in colour. The person emits iron like odour from the mouth and he feels as if his body has been surrounded by fire. 2

Pitta type of Daha –

पित्तज्वरसमः पित्तात् स चाप्यस्य विधिः स्मृतः || ३ ||

pittajvarasamaH pittAt sa cApyasya vidhiH smRtaH || 3 ||

In daha produced by pitta, the features and treatment are identical to those in the case of Pitta Jvara. 3

Trsnanirodhaja Daha – (Burning sensation caused by suppressing thirst) –

तृष्णानिरोधादब्धातौ क्षीणे तेजः समुद्धतम् |
सबाह्याभ्यन्तरं देहं प्रदेहन्मन्दचेतसः || ४ ||
संशुष्कगल – ताल्वोष्टौ जिह्वां निष्कृष्य वेपते |

tRSNAnirodhAdabdhAtau kSINe tejaH samuddhatam |
sabAhyAbhyantaraM dehaM pradehanmandacetasaH || 4 ||
saMzuSkagala – tAlvoSTau jihvAM niSkRSya vepate |

By suppressing thirst,

The watery part of the body diminishes and heat signified by pitta increases which in turn causes burning sensation internally and externally. The patient becomes dull, his throat and lips dry up, and his tongue extends out from the mouth. 4

Daha caused by internal bleeding —

असृजः पूर्णकोष्टस्य दाहो अन्यः स्यात् सुदुःसहः || ५ ||

asRjaH pUrNakoSTasya dAho anyaH syAt suduHsahaH || 5 ||

The collection of blood in the body cavities (kosthas) gives rise to another variety of burning sensation that appears unbearable. 5

Daha due to dhatu kshaya (depletion of bodily tissues) —

धातुक्षयोत्थो यो दाहस्तेन मूर्च्छा – तृडर्दितः |
क्षामस्वरः क्रियाहीनः स सीदेद्भृशपीडितः || ६ ||

dhAtukSayottho yo dAhastena mUrcchA – tRDarditaH |
kSAmasvaraH kriyAhInaH sa sIdedbhRzapIDitaH || 6 ||

Daha generated by depletion of the tissues of the body produces such symptoms as

  • Fainting
  • Thirst
  • Feeble voice
  • Loss of all activities
  • And finally loss of life. 6
Daha due to injury –

क्षतजो अनश्नतश्चान्नं शोचतो वा अप्यनेकधा |
तेनान्तर्दह्यते अत्यर्थं तृष्णा – दाह – प्रलापवान् || ७ ||

kSatajo anaznatazcAnnaM zocato vA apyanekadhA |
tenAntardahyate atyarthaM tRSNA – dAha – pralApavAn || 7 ||

A person who does not eat well or who is afflicted with grief and several worries gets affected by the burning sensation in the interior of his body. This daha remains associated with

  • Thirst
  • Fainting and
  • Delirium as well. 7
Daaha due to injury to the marma (vital parts) –

मर्माभिघातजो अप्यस्ति सो असाध्यः सप्तमो मतः |
सर्व एव च वर्ज्याः स्युः शीतगात्रस्य देहिनः || ८ ||

marmAbhighAtajo apyasti so asAdhyaH saptamo mataH |
sarva eva ca varjyAH syuH zItagAtrasya dehinaH || 8 ||

There is the seventh type of daha also. It is produced due to injury to vital organs.

It is considered incurable. All varieties of daha are to be refused treatment if the body of the patient concerned has turned cold. 8

इति श्रीमाधवकरविरचिते माधवनिदाने दाहनिदानं समाप्तम् || 19 ||

iti zrImAdhavakaraviracite mAdhavanidAne dAhanidAnaM samAptam || 19 ||

Thus concludes the chapter on Daha.

Source — 
  1. Burning Sensation