Medicinal Plants

Makhana (Fox Nut) Benefits & Medicinal Uses

The health benefits of Makhana (Fox Nuts) are attributed to its antioxidant, aphrodisiac, spermatogenic, and antihyperglycemic properties. It improves physical strength, increases stamina, and helps to manage diabetes and other diseases. In Ayurvedic Medicine, it is considered as a procreative agent, which means it also helps with begetting child. Generally, it increases sperm count and improves quality of spermatozoa. So, it also helps to treat oligospermia and impaired spermatogenesis. In addition, it is also beneficial for women suffering from heavy bleeding, leucorrhea, and infertility.

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Vasa — Medicinal Uses and benefits

Vasa represent a class of herbal drug with very strong conceptual or traditional base as well as a strong experimental base for its use.

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Guduchi — Benefits and Medicinal Uses

Guduchi has the powers of promoting health. In Ayurveda it is termed as ‘’Amrita’’ meaning Divine nectar. Guduchi is a very powerful nutritive tonic which helps purifying the blood, liver and kidneys.

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Agnimantha – Benefits, Dosage, Uses and Side effects

Agnimantha as the name suggests Agni – Fire and Mantha – churning was the tree whose barks were rubbed against each other to induce fire. It is one of the Dashamoola.

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Guduchi – Benefits

Acharya Charaka in his Charaka Samhitha has mentioned Guduchi as Medhya Rasayana, a mental rejuvenator. It is of great benefit in treating Fever, Anemia, Jaundice, Urinary tract disorders, Asthma etc

It helps in the functioning of the healthy immune system by maintaining sufficient levels of WBC and helps reducing stress.

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Amazing benefits of Mandukaparni

Named after one of the highest states of consciousness (Brahman or God consciousness), Brahmi/ Mandukaparni is one of the most powerful brain tonics in the Ayurveda.
The leaf of the plant resembles the cerebellum and is traditionally used to promote memory and intelligence and to relax the central nervous system.
Gotu Kola is said to develop the crown chakra, the energy center at the top of the head and to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, which the leaf is said to resemble.

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