The 29th chapter of Madhava Nidana deals with Hrdroga Nidanam i.e., Diseases of the heart. Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect the heart.
Causes of Hrdroga —
अत्युष्णगुर्वन्न – कषाय – तिक्त – श्रमाभिघाताध्यशनप्रसङ्गैः |
सञ्चितनैर्वेगविधारणैश्च ह्रुदामयः पञ्चविधः प्रदिष्टः || १ ||
atyuṣṇagurvanna – kaṣāya – tikta – śramābhighātādhyaśanaprasaṅgaiḥ |
sañcitanairvēgavidhāraṇaiśca hrudāmayaḥ pañcavidhaḥ pradiṣṭaḥ || 1 ||
The causes of five kinds of heart diseases include —
- intake of eatables that are very hot,
- Hard to digest
- Astringent and bitter;
- Excess fatigue
- Injury
- Reading loudly for long hours,
- Too much of worry and
- Suppression of the urges of the body. 1
Pathogenesis and main features of Hrdroga (heart diseases) —
दूषयित्वा रसं दोषा विगुणा हृदयं गताः |
हृदि बाधां प्रकुर्वन्ति हृद्रोगं तं प्रचक्षते || २ ||
dūṣayitvā rasaṁ dōṣā viguṇā hr̥dayaṁ gatāḥ |
hr̥di bādhāṁ prakurvanti hr̥drōgaṁ taṁ pracakṣatē || 2 ||
In Hrdroga when the dosha are increased, they vitiate the rasa dhatu located in the heart and cause pain. 2
Vata Type of Hrdroga —
आयम्यते मारुतजे हृदयं तुध्यते तथा |
निर्मथ्यते दीर्यते च स्फोटय्ते पाटय्ते अपि च || ३ ||
āyamyatē mārutajē hr̥dayaṁ tudhyatē tathā |
nirmathyatē dīryatē ca sphōṭaytē pāṭaytē api ca || 3 ||
The pain is of these kinds in Vataja Hrdroga —
- Constricting
- Piercing
- Rinsing
- Bursting or
- Scarring nature. 3
Pitta Type of Hrdroga —
तृष्णोष्मा – दाह – चोषाः स्युः पैत्तिके हृदयक्लमः |
धूमायनं च मूर्च्छा च स्वेदः शोषो मुखस्य च || ४ ||
tr̥ṣṇōṣmā – dāha – cōṣāḥ syuḥ paittikē hr̥dayaklamaḥ |
dhūmāyanaṁ ca mūrcchā ca svēdaḥ śōṣō mukhasya ca || 4 ||
Features of Pittaja Hrdroga include the following symptoms:
- Thirst
- Increase in body temperature
- Burning sensation
- Localized heat
- Weakness of the heart and
- Feeling of movement of warm air inside the chest
- Fainting
- Perspiration and
- dryness of the mouth. 4
Kaphaja —
गौरवं कफसंस्रावो अरुचिः स्तम्भो अग्निमार्दवं |
माधुर्यमपि चास्यस्य बलासावतते हृदि || ५ ||
gauravaṁ kaphasansrāvō aruciḥ stambhō agnimārdavaṁ |
mādhuryamapi cāsyasya balāsāvatatē hr̥di || 5 ||
Features of Kaphaja Hrdroga include the following symptoms —
- Feeling of heaviness in the body,
- Overflowing of watery secretions from mouth, nose, eyes,
- Anorexia and
- Stiffness of the body,
- Poor digestive ability and
- Sweet taste in the mouth. 5
Sannipata and Krmi types of Hrdroga —
विध्यात् त्रिदोषं त्वपि सर्वलिङ्गं —
vidhyāt tridōṣaṁ tvapi sarvaliṅgaṁ —
In Tridoshaja Hrdroga, presence of all the above features together is seen.
Features of Krimija Hrdroga —
तीव्रार्तितोदं क्रिमिजम् सकण्डु |
उत्क्लेद ष्टीवनं तोदः शूलं हृल्लासकस्तमः |
अरुचिः श्यावनेत्रत्वं शोथश्च क्रिमिजे भवेत् || ६ ||
tīvrārtitōdaṁ krimijam sakaṇḍu |
utklēda ṣṭīvanaṁ tōdaḥ śūlaṁ hr̥llāsakastamaḥ |
aruciḥ śyāvanētratvaṁ śōthaśca krimijē bhavēt || 6 ||
Features of krimija hrdroga include the following symptoms —
- Nausea
- Salivation
- Pricking pain
- Oppression in the chest
- Drowsiness
- Loss of Taste
- Blackish appearance of the eyes and
- Oedema. 6
Upadrava (complications)–
क्लमः सादो भ्रमः शोषो ज्ञेयास्तेषामुपद्रवाः |
क्रिमिजे क्रिमिजातीनां श्लेष्मिकाणां च ये मताः || ७ ||
klamaḥ sādō bhramaḥ śōṣō jñēyāstēṣāmupadravāḥ |
krimijē krimijātīnāṁ ślēṣmikāṇāṁ ca yē matāḥ || 7 ||
In krimija hrdroga, the symptoms of kaphaja krimi roga can be seen, such as
- Debility
- Exhaustion
- Giddiness and
- Emaciation. 7
इति श्री विजयरक्षितकृतायां मधुकोशव्यख्यायां हृद्रोगनिदानं समाप्तम् ||29||
iti śrī vijayarakṣitakr̥tāyāṁ madhukōśavyakhyāyāṁ hr̥drōganidānaṁ samāptam ||29||
Thus concludes the Chapter on Hrdroga
Source —
I’m Dr. Malini Bhat MD (Ayu); an Ayurvedic Doctor and a health blogger. Follow me on social media to get daily health tips which you can easily adapt to a healthy lifestyle.