The 67th chapter of Madhava Nidana is Stanya Dushti Nidanam which deals with Disorders of Breast Milk. Breast diseases during the lactation period are of high importance because they can be an essential cause for early cessation of breastfeeding. Problems and diseases of the female breast caused by breastfeeding are the most common reason for premature cessation of breastfeeding.
Milk Secretion
विशस्तेष्वपि गात्रेषु यथा शुक्रं न दृश्यते |
सर्वदेहाश्रितत्वाच्च शुक्रलक्षणमुच्यते || १ ||
तदेव चेष्ट युवतेर्दर्षनात स्मरणादपि |
शब्दसंश्रवणात् स्पर्शात् संहर्षाच्च प्रवर्तते || २ ||
viśastēṣvapi gātrēṣu yathā śukraṁ na dr̥śyatē |
sarvadēhāśritatvācca śukralakṣaṇamucyatē || 1 ||
tadēva cēṣṭa yuvatērdarṣanāta smaraṇādapi |
śabdasanśravaṇāt sparśāt sanharṣācca pravartatē || 2 ||
Although semen (shukra) is present all over the body, it cannot be seen even if any part of the body is cut open. Nonetheless, it comes out of the body of its own accord by the sight, remembrance, hearing or touch of the woman loved, sheer pleasure of the mind being the cause for its discharge. The same is the case with breast milk (stanya). 1-2
सुप्रसन्नं मनस्तत्र हर्षणे हेतुरुच्यते |
आहाररसयोनित्वादेवं स्तन्यमपि स्त्रियाः || ३ ||
तदेवापत्यसंस्पर्शाद्दर्शनात् स्मरणादपि |
ग्रहणाच्च शरीरस्य शुक्रवत् संप्रवर्तते |
स्नेहो निरन्तरस्तत्र प्रस्रवे हेतुरुच्यते || ४ ||
suprasannaṁ manastatra harṣaṇē hēturucyatē |
āhārarasayōnitvādēvaṁ stanyamapi striyāḥ || 3 ||
tadēvāpatyasansparśāddarśanāt smaraṇādapi |
grahaṇācca śarīrasya śukravat sampravartatē |
snēhō nirantarastatra prasravē hēturucyatē || 4 ||
It will flow freely by the touch, sight, and remembrance and fondling of the baby just as semen flows from the body of males. The breast milk is influenced by eatables, taken by the mother. It is naturally prepared, and is available in sufficient quantity after the delivery of the child. The love of the mother towards her child is the cause of continuous lactation. 3-4
Milk Vitiation
गुरुभिर्विविधैरन्नैर्दुष्टैर्दोषैः प्रदूषितं |
क्षीरं मातुः कुमारस्य नानारोगाय कल्पते || १ ||
gurubhirvividhairannairduṣṭairdōṣaiḥ pradūṣitaṁ |
kṣīraṁ mātuḥ kumārasya nānārōgāya kalpatē || 1 ||
The breast milk, vitiated by doshas as aggravated due to the intake of the various heavy foods by mother, produces many diseases in the child. The cause for several diseases of the child includes the upsurge of the doshas in the body resulting in abnormalities of the breast milk. 1
Doshika Vitiation of Milk
कषायं सलिलप्लावि स्तन्यं मारुतदूषितं |
कटु अम्ल – लवणं पीतराजिमत् पित्तसंज्ञितम् || २ ||
कफदुष्टं घनं तोये निमज्जति सपिच्छिलम् |
द्विलिङ्गं द्वन्द्वजं विध्यात्, सर्वलिङ्गं त्रिदोषजम् || ३||
kaṣāyaṁ salilaplāvi stanyaṁ mārutadūṣitaṁ |
kaṭu amla – lavaṇaṁ pītarājimat pittasañjñitam || 2 ||
kaphaduṣṭaṁ ghanaṁ tōyē nimajjati sapicchilam |
dviliṅgaṁ dvandvajaṁ vidhyāt, sarvaliṅgaṁ tridōṣajam || 3||
Milk is vitiated by Vata, could be astringent in taste. It could be identified easily as it floats on water. The milk vitiated by pitta would be pungent, sour or salty in taste and would appear as having yellowish threads on its surface. The milk vitiated by Kapha, could be thick, sticky. It sinks in water. If the breast milk has got vitiated through combination of the two or three doshas together it could be identified with presence of thier corresponding features in combination. 2 – 3
Normal (Un vitiated) Milk
अदुष्टं चाम्बुनिक्षिप्तमेकिभवति पाण्डुरम् |
मधुरं चाविवर्णं च प्रसन्नं तत् प्रशस्यते || ४ ||
aduṣṭaṁ cāmbunikṣiptamēkibhavati pāṇḍuram |
madhuraṁ cāvivarṇaṁ ca prasannaṁ tat praśasyatē || 4 ||
When breast milk is found to be mixing evenly with water, is slightly yellowish in colour and sweet in taste it is considered normal. 4
इति श्री माधवकरविरचिते माधवनिदाने स्तन्यदुष्टिनिदानं समाप्तम् || ६७ ||
iti śrī mādhavakaraviracitē mādhavanidānē stanyaduṣṭinidānaṁ samāptam || 67 ||
Thus concludes the chapter on Stanya Dushti. 67
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I’m Dr. Malini Bhat MD (Ayu); an Ayurvedic Doctor and a health blogger. Follow me on social media to get daily health tips which you can easily adapt to a healthy lifestyle.