It has been a month I have shifted to Goa and I get to drink Kokum juice as Kokum is a essential component of the Konkan food culture. The Kokum juice here is called the Sol Kadi and owing to the humidity here it is given as a summer coolant and a digestive juice in any restaurant you visit.
As I did a little research on this fruit I got to know about its various benefits which I would like to share.
Here are the benefits of Kokum –
- Kokum improves immunity as it has citric acid, carbohydrates, malic acid, acetic acid, hydro citric acid, ascorbic acid, vitamin B complexes, garcinol, manganese, potassium, magnesium, hydroxycitric acid as well as dietary fibre.
- As a matter of fact it helps improve digestion and increases the appetite.
- It helps prevent infection as it has both antifungal as well as antioxidant properties.
- It has anti-ageing properties as it is extremely rich in antioxidants which help improve skin and its texture.
- It reduces the body heat and has cooling properties.
- It stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.
- It helps in decreasing the production of excess fat thus in turn helps in weight loss.
- Moreover it reduces the chances of heart disease and acts like a cardio tonic.
- It promotes cell repair and cell regeneration.
- It can help relieve you from acidity, flatulence, constipation and indigestion.
- It is a good source of potassium
Some home remedies –
- To curb acidity – Drink a mixture of Kokum + Sugar + Salt
- To reduce flatulence — Kokum juice with ginger and honey
- For indigestion – The juice + black pepper powder
- For Headache and indigestion – Take 10 mature leaves and cook it well in a cup of water. Add a pinch each of ginger, pepper,cumin seed powder and salt. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. This is effective in headache and indigestion.
Kokum is a gift of nature which is put to a variety of uses.If not for the medical benefits, try Kokum for the great taste it offers! It adds flavor to food, and health to life!
I’m Dr. Malini Bhat MD (Ayu); an Ayurvedic Doctor and a health blogger. Follow me on social media to get daily health tips which you can easily adapt to a healthy lifestyle.