skin rashes

Chapter 50 – Shitapitta, Udarda, Kotha Nidanam

The 50th chapter of Madhava Nidana is Shitapitta, Udarda, Kotha nidanam which deals with Skin rashes, Erythema, Allergy and the like. A rash is any area of irritated or swollen skin on your body. Rashes are often itchy and painful and can appear differently on different skin tones. While they are often described as red, on darker skin tones they may be purple, gray, or white.

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Home remedies for Dark under eye circles

Do you suffer from dark circles under your eyes that make you look older? Sick of people constantly saying you look tired? Dark circles are a common problem.

Image source — throughtamseyes

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Amazing Benefits of The Queen of herbs, Tulsi

Holy Basil/ Tulsi, the “queen of herbs” is the most sacred of all the herbs found in India! This sacred plant is found in almost every Indian household. Tulsi has been used in India for around 5000 years and is acclaimed for its healing properties of the mind, body and spirit. Tulsi has been widely popular in South Asian countries for many centuries and now is also gaining popularity in the West.

Image source — kamathln

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