Green tea

Vitamin K: Benefits, sources

Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone and heart health. It is one of the main vitamins involved in bone mineralization and blood clotting, but also helps to maintain brain function, a healthy metabolism, and to protect against cancer.

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Home remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Although still considered taboo and seldom spoken about, severe menstrual cramps are a real problem for the majority of women. They have taken the spotlight in the past couple of years, as employers everywhere are starting to advocate for period days to be considered a real issue. Women are closer than ever to having this problem recognized as a serious matter that affects their daily routine and their ability to work at full capacity.

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Home remedies for Sunburn

Sunburn is the bane of summertime, thwarting tans and forcing people to cover up. It can happen at any time of the year though, because it is the exposer to the ultra-violet rays of the sun that cause it. When you’re getting bombarded with UV light, your exposed skin ups its production of melanin.

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Home remedies for Dandruff

Dandruff is caused when a fungus called Malassezia grows on your scalp. This results in shedding of the scalp skin. There are two types of dandruff – one occurs due to the dryness of the scalp, while the other occurs due to the excessive production of oil on the scalp.

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Hair Growth: Home remedies and Diet

Having long, thick, and lustrous locks is a cherished desire of many. This makes the problems of thinning hair or hair loss very upsetting for some people, women and men alike.

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Ways to Fight Bad breath naturally

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is embarrassing and can take a toll on your confidence level. Bad breath can be due to a number of reasons such as eating odorous foods, smoking, dry mouth, medical conditions, gum disease, and sinus conditions.

Image source — wearandcheer

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