
Chapter 41 – Vrana Shotha Nidanam

The 41st chapter of Madhava Nidana is Vrana Shotha Nidana which deals with Inflammatory swelling. The swelling process, also known as edema, is the result of acute inflammation, a response triggered by damage to living tissues. In the case of injury, the purpose of the inflammatory response is to remove components of damaged tissue in order to allow the body to begin to heal.

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Amazing Benefits of Flax Seeds

The seeds come from flax, one amongst the oldest crops in the world. Flaxseed was initially cultivated in Babylon in 3000 BC, followed by Egypt and China. King Charlemagne believed so strongly in the health benefits of flax seeds that he passed a law to make sure his subjects ate flaxseeds.

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Hibiscus Health Benefits

‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ said John Keats. Flowers not only gives happiness and joy to the senses, but also health to the body. What most of us are unaware of, is that they give to our health in many ways.

As roses, Hibiscus flowers are also found in different colours. They lacks fragrance but are very beautiful. Due to its natural beauty, elegance, bell-shaped structure and charming look; these plants are grown in pots in houses, temples, parks, gardens and many other places.

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Aloe vera Juice: Benefits

Aloe vera juice is a powerhouse of essential nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals etc., It is a drink which helps the body replenish with all the essential nutrients, vitamins it has.

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